How to recover from Dental Implant Surgery?

dental implant surgery

Dental implant surgery is the process of replacing missing teeth. This surgical fixture was invented by Swedish surgeon, Per-Ingvar Branemark. To make the healing process a bit smooth and painless, you must follow certain steps right after the dental implant surgery. Let’s have a look at them:

  1. Tell someone to drop you home

Anesthesia is used during the dental implant surgery. It takes time to regain the alertness and coordination. So, it is important to take someone with you.

  1. Promote blood clotting

It is possible that bleeding occurs for up to 48-72 hours after the dental implant procedure. Put the pressure on that area with gauze sponges. This promotes clotting of blood. Rinsing can make the situation worse. If the bleeding persists for long time, then don’t ignore it. Wipe the large clots gently and place the gauze pads over bleeding area. Make sure you bite the gauze firmly for at least an hour.

  1. Eat soft foods

Consume only soft foods for first 24 hours after the dental implant surgery. Hot and spicy foods should be avoided.

  1. Minimize swelling

It is very common to experience some swelling after bone grafting procedure. Swelling can increase after 3-4 days of oral surgery. Initially after 24 hours, the swelling can be reduced by applying gentle heat. After that applying a cold pack can be beneficial in reducing the swelling.

  1. Take antibiotics

Proper dosage of antibiotics can be used to prevent infection around the dental implant. Consult your doctor if you find any adverse reaction of antibiotics.

  1. Don’t smoke

To enhance the speed of healing process, you must quit smoking. Smokers have higher risk of developing an infection after the dental implant surgery.

  1. Follow-Up Appointment

It is essential to visit the implant provider after oral surgery for regular check-up. Healing process and any type of damage can be detected with regular visits.

Book the appointment with Cosmo Smiles Dental to get the dental implant surgery done by experienced dentists.


Cosmetic & General Dentistry

The smile of your dreams might not be as difficult to attain as you might think. With numerous treatments supported by the latest technologies and advanced solutions, one can renew the love and care one desire for their teeth. For those looking for such a sparkling smile, cosmetic & General Dentistry can be a great option. The importance of these procedures cannot be denied, and with the rising demand and advanced new-age solutions, patients can get their best smile with a pain-free experience.

At Cosmo Smiles Dental, you can enjoy a comprehensive range of smile-enhancing treatments through our cutting-edge technology and qualified staff. Whether you’re missing a single tooth or having trouble with the crooked ones, our implant-dedicated practice address all forms of cases. Our practice is successfully driven by  patients’ satisfaction and our wealth of experience.

The Tooth Replacement Process

Once placed inside, the implant takes about 3 months to adjust to a patient’s natural bone and completely fuse inside. With the strong form of the base, the restoration phase begins and works through the tooth implant’s three components:

  • The Dental Implant Itself

The implant is a screw-like structure made of titanium that acts as the root of the tooth.

  • The Implant Abutment

The abutment acts as a connector that fastens the prosthetic teeth and ensures the right placement of the crown or bridge.

  • The Final Implant Crown

Final Implant Crown is the only visible portion of the treatment inside a patient’s mouth. Thus, it is designed by keeping the natural teeth’s strength and appearance in mind.

Why Do People Need Dental Implants?

  • To replace missing teeth:Individuals who go through tooth loss in their life often choose to replace the empty or damaged space with dental implants.
  • For eating: Once the patient reaches towards his/her healing period, the original strength of a patient’s bite gets restored.
  • For self-confidence: Sturdy and natural-looking teeth often help people regain lost confidence and win over the anxiety of social situations.

If you don’t like your smile or just looking for a minor smile makeover, cosmetic treatments at Cosmo Smiles Dental can be the right point to start from.

Make your smile better and brighter by contacting us.

Some Important Things to Consider Before Having Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Have your smile lost somewhere because of a missing tooth? Are you not able to eat and chew your favorite food with ease? If yes, then dental implant can be a great solution. By selecting a genuine and verified dental care service provider things may become easy. But you must consider the following things before getting the tooth replaced:

  1. Planning: Ensure proper planning before the treatment. Discussions between patient and the dentists are required to get more details about the procedure.
  2. Use of Technology: Discuss with the specialists about the ways that make dental implant a safe process. Technological advanced tools like low-dose 3D CT scan, low dose radiation, computer planning software, lasers and fine instruments are very helpful in the treatment.
  3. Quality of the material: The dental implant material must be manufactured by the leading and reliable brand. Generally, stronger component is utilized for back teeth and good looking material in the front teeth.
  4. Overall health of mouth: Have a word with the specialist about the health of the bone, gum and other teeth. They must be strong enough to handle this dental implant.
  5. Staff should be trained: Check whether the staff is professionally trained and have relevant educational qualifications or not.
  6. Budget: You must have a fair estimate about the fees of the dental implant treatment. This depends on the technology used and the experience of the dentists.
  7. Post-treatment follow-ups: Get the information related to the post-treatment maintenance routine. Regular check-ups and cleaning are required to detect any kind of infection or damage.

It is always advisable to book the appointment with the most reliable dentists and dental care services such as Cosmo Smiles Dental in the city. So, what are you waiting for? Start taking out the necessary details from the expert before proceeding ahead with the dental implant treatment.



Permanent tooth replacement solutions involve procedures designed to restore the patients’ missing teeth with natural-looking artificial ones. While the solution can be in different forms, which one turns out to be a better restorative method, is still a question that many ask. Dental implants made from the man-made titanium fixture integrates with the bone for the root portion of the empty space. One the other hand, removable and painless dentures are the relatively inexpensive dentistry option made today that mimic natural teeth.

While a lot of great information can be found regarding both the procedures, one cannot make an informed decision without consulting a dental professional or getting their case checked by them. Before undergoing a procedure it is always better to examine the factors involved in each restorative method and then make the choice.
Given below are a few of the elements that will give you an idea of what to expect in each procedure.

The use of dental implants maintains a patient’s facial structure while dentures are known to witness a compromised facial structure with the loss of bone over time.

Implants are fixed to the jawbone for a strong and secure fit, while dentures are placed on the gums, not giving much stability to the teeth’s original position.

Under good care and regular dental checkups, dental implants can lose almost two decades without creating much trouble. On the other hand, the fragile structure of even high-quality dentures suffers from a short lifespan.

With their secured fit feature, implants have a tendency to feel and function just like natural healthy teeth. Whereas dentures can feel a bit bulky and cause discomfort if they are ill fit.

Dental implants can look and feel exactly like natural teeth, but since dentures are not a fixed, permanent solution the discomfort caused by them can have an impact on a patient’s self-esteem and confidence.

In a nutshell, patients looking for a solution that goes closest to the look and feel of natural teeth will prefer implants overdentures.
At Cosmo Smiles Dental, our cosmetic dentistry restorative practice ensure that you get the best possible treatment under the topmost professional care.

If you’re curious about the procedures and how our qualified team performs them, get in touch with us.



Smiles are meant to be shared and reflect joy. When it comes to your social and professional life, your aligned teeth and beautiful smile can do wonders. However, many individuals going through their braces treatment tend to feel shy, because of the shining metal. This trouble is faced by a majority of people in their teeth alignment procedures.

At Cosmo Smiles Dental, our orthodontic team is dedicated to achieving the desired appealing smile, but with a better solution that will never harm your self-confidence. By bringing together our skilled staff with the latest innovative technologies, we generate the top most professional care that roots only fruitful result. our expertise lies in our belief of laying down a healthy foundation that will enhance the charm of your teeth without making your feel conscious.

When it comes to Dental Invisalign, we make sure our patients receive the best methods of care they expect.

How Do Invisalign Help?

Invisalign is a series of transparent aligners that are designed to be virtually unnoticeable on your teeth. The innovative approach generates straighten teeth through transparent aligners that get switched out every 1-2 weeks. Based on your mouth, their design tends to change every week as per the results achieved after wearing them throughout the day and night.

Who is Invisalign suitable for?

These removable, as well as comfortable clear aligners, are ideal for anyone trying to get rid of mild to moderate misalignment. They are used by the following age groups:

l  Teenagers/Young Adults: Teens feel conscious of their appearance and thus, the clear retainers can correct their misalignment issues while giving that invisible yet smooth look.

l  Adults: This flexible corrective treatment is used widely by adults as well as trying to transform the appearance of their smile discreetly and more aesthetically.

However, the solution for both age groups relies entirely on the discipline of patients and the accurate measures taken for their care. Taking the time out for looking after them can do wonders for the straight smile you’ve always wanted.

So, don’t wait any longer to get that desired straighter smile. You can let your teeth move into their ideal positions without facing the discomfort and presence of metal braces. 

To learn more about them, contact the Cosmo Smiles Dental team today only.