Dental Implants Surgery

Dental Implants Surgery admin June 10, 2016

Dental implant is a artificial titanium post that is surgically placed into the jawbone and beneath the gum line to replace the tooth. A dental implant is a perfect treatment for those who have missing tooth from birth,broken tooth/teeth, lost tooth, missing tooth due to injury and some other diseases. Also Implants are permanent solution to loose fitting dentures. Basically you can get a strong tooth with metal root in case of missing a natural tooth for any reason.

Types of Dental implants:

There are many types of dental implants but two basic ones are:

  • Endosteal_ is placed into Jaw bone and one of the most common one in Modern Dentistry. It is like a small long cylinder or screw made up of Titanium. Other common types rarely used in dentistry these days are the blades and plates.
  • Subperiosteal_ is the secondary type of implanting treatment placed on the jawbone. This treatment consists of a metal framework to hold the upper side of jawbone but under the gum tissue to place prosthetic tooth. For patients where bone is thin or weak or medical condition leading to failure of Endosteal implants. So if you are the candidate with less height/thin/soft jawbone then the subperiosteal procedure is good for you.

Candidacy for dental implants:

Perfectly healthy oral cavity and healthy Individual is best for success of Implants. Oral health is most important in dental implanting because if you have periodontal diseases you are not the perfect candidate for dental implanting as you need adequate jawbone, healthy gum tissues to support implants. Patients with uncontrolled Diabetes, smokers are poor candidates for Implant placement and future success.

Cosmo Smile Dental Dentists are not only specialists but also ideal experts having special training, knowledge and facilities that you need. We are low cost competitive on Dental implants, state of the art Dental Clinic specializing in providing quality dental implants.

Dental implants procedure:

  • Evaluation of dental implanting _ in the first step, we will evaluate you to see if you are the right candidate for implanting or not because the good jawbone and clear periodontal gums are perfectly suitable for dental implanting but if you are not right one we will evaluate other treatment options so you should consult with us further like placing a bone graft to support implants in jawbone that is ultimately needed for the implanting process.
  • Implant inserting_ the second step is your Dentist will place dental implants in your jawbone. On the missing tooth, they will place a thin titanium rod beneath your gum line to attach with jawbone for processing. They will ask you to come after some passage of time when the titanium rod will fuse in the jawbone.

Note: In Aesthetic zone (visible area ) temporary crown will be placed on Implant to take the proper time to fuse into your jawbone for goodly fixing dental implants permanently.

  • Restoration of dental implants_ Lastly, the Dentist will place permanent crowns after evaluating if the titanium rod fused to the jawbone and temporary crown is not irritating the patient’s gum with pressure.

How long will a dental implant last?

A successful Implant will last you lifetime. Unlike teeth that are attached to tissue and muscles, Implants are attached to bone , a process called ankylosis. If proper oral hygiene is maintained Implants success rate is above 95-96%. Choose Cosmo Smiles Dental for success of Implant procedure.

Loose Dentures

People who have lost their teeth for any reason and are wearing dentures , it can be very uncomfortable. Who likes loose fitting dentures especially lower dentures. Good news is There is a solution to that. Implants placed along with dentures enhances stability of dentures and can turn out to be very Comfortable. You can enjoy eating, drinking, going out with friends without hesitation , improvement of life . You can enjoy simple pleasures of Life again. They say you LOOSE YOUR TEETH AND YOU LOOSE YOUR TASTE. But with good fitting dentures and getting rid and fixing of Loose fitting dentures, you get your Taste back as you enjoy your food again. Do not wait if you are suffering from Loose dentures, call Today to make an appointment.

Hybrid dentures/ All on 4

if you loose your multiple teeth or all your teeth and do not want dentures but something permanent that is Fixed, Hybrid dentures or Bridge is a Solution. 4 or more Implants are placed in Each Jaw to support Fixed bridge and that is Permanent. No need to get dentures out at night or to use Adhesive. You get strong, permanent dentition back without any worries and get years younger with Nice smile. Call today to Find out more about that

For appointments and inquiries about our veneers, Invisalign, dental implants, and other general and pediatric dentistry services, simply call 571-210-4747.  https://cosmosmilesdental.com and https://www.facebook.com/cosmosmiles/

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